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Made in the Image of God

by | Mar 21, 2024 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Made in the image of God. That is a statement from God himself has been playing over and over again in my mind. Made in the image of God. Every human being from Adam and Eve were made in the image of God.

Why is this important to teach children, especially at a young age? Because this is the truth. This is from God’s Word, the Holy Bible. This is how God created all of us. Children are being told they can be whatever they want. That they can take dangerous drugs and have surgeries that will permanently sterilize them. All so children can be accepted to their true selves according to those in the world. This is incredibly dangerous and damaging to children on a multitude of levels.

It is a lie being told to children that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way he or she was born. It is a lie telling children he or she was not born in the image of God. It is a lie to tell children, if a child just physically alters his or hers physical body or gender, then he or she will be loved and find acceptance. It is a lie telling a child that the child’s birth sex/gender was a mistake. It is a lie that will rob the boys and girls who fall into the lie’s trap of the ability to be able to have a future family and potentially cause unknown medical side effects that could lead to an early death. Sin leads to death. It is a horrific and devastating lie being pushed onto children through media, education, and now our culture as a whole! It is a horrific lie with unimaginable, life devastating consequences for the children who believe the lies being told by authority figures in his or hers life. Lies leading to destruction of his or her bodies, souls, minds; while causing sterilization or worse for those who follow those tragic lies!

Each human child that was formed in the womb of his or hers mother, was born in the image of God! Sin is what causes people to believe otherwise. Altering a child’s body, chemically, mentally, or surgically; by persuading a child to permanently damage his or her body to gain a false sense of self-acceptance or social approval by encouraging or allowing a child to undergo transition procedures during the most vulnerable time in a child’s life is one of the great travesties of the 21st century. Children need safeguarding and guidance during a child’s developing years to naturally preserve and grow in his or hers natural body. Children need adults who love them enough to say, no. Children need adults who love them enough to say; “You were made in the image of God. You’re not a mistake! You are loved and wanted just the way God created you!” This is what every child needs to hear, daily.

All men and women are born into a world with sin because of the Fall of Man back in the Garden. Even so, each human has a choice to make, whether to follow God’s design for his or hers life, or to follow whatever sin and lie the world promotes. The condition of mankind has not chanced. Each human has to decide whether to follow God’s Ways or the way of man. God does not change. God is eternal. God does not make mistakes.

Children everywhere, especially across America are crying out to be loved and accepted. God loves each one of them. Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world; as the old Christian children song goes. All of the children of the world. God knit each one of us in our mother’s womb.

This was a psalm written by David to God in praise. God loved David and David loved God. David understood that every inch of him was created by God. Not a single aspect about David or any human is unknown to God. God created each child in his own image, in the image of God, so that each child could know him. God loves each of us, especially children. Jesus Christ called for the little children to come to him.

For Christians, it is imperative to establish God’s Word and truth into our children’s lives where ever we may encounter them. Every child God brings into our lives, whether our own children, family, friends or any child that we encounter in life. Christians are to share who Jesus is, what he accomplished through his sacrifice on the cross and resurrection by the grace of God. We must tell children everywhere that each child was made in the image of God. That Jesus Christ came for them because he loves them.

Each child was formed by God, to know God and to turn from sin and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to fulfill the purpose he created for each child in each child’s unique life. God is an artist, the ultimate Creator. Each child is a one of a kind masterpiece created by God. God has a plan and a purpose for everyone. We only need to repent, turning from our sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as our individual Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit, the Helper, the Advocate then comes and convicts us and teaches us how to live according to God’s Way, not the world. God does not make mistakes.

Children need to know that no child was born in the wrong body or the wrong gender. No child is a mistake. Each of us were born exactly how God wanted each of us to be born. All so that we could know and glorify God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son, by the work of the Holy Spirit.

The truth is, each boy, girl, man, and woman were born male or female. This is a biological fact embedded into each child’s very DNA. Every child born from his or her mother’s womb was born in the image of God. No ideology, no scientific theory, or political movement can change the fundamental truth that we were created in the image of God, evident in our DNA. Humanity altering DNA is a sin fundamentally altering God’s creation. We each have trails and sin we all can only ever overcome through Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is why God had to send Jesus Christ, to heal the brokenness in the world caused by the Fall of Man and humanities sinful nature.

Again, God created each child individually male or female. God’s creation was originally perfect, it was when Eve took the first bite of the forbidden fruit and gave it to Adam, who did the same, that sin entered the world. It was by humanities choice to disobey God that sin, death, disease and all of the fall of humanity entered God’s original perfect creation. God is perfect, loving, holy, just, and righteous. God wants each human created by God to know Him. That is why God made us and why Jesus Christ had to die on the cross and conquer the grave through His resurrection. So that each human could know and be reunited with God through Jesus Christ. That is why God created each of us, to know God and partake in glorifying God through the work accomplished by the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Everything in life is about Jesus Christ. Each of us were created to know Jesus. It is an open invitation to every child searching for meaning, purpose and love in life. All of those things are found only truly in Jesus Christ. The world is imperfect, people are fallen and sinful by nature because of sin; the natural state of every human heart is impacted by sin, it’s in each of our choices and nature. This is exactly why Jesus Christ had to come and die for us all. To bridge the gap our own sin caused between us and God. God loves us so much that he sent Jesus Christ to die and conquer the grave to atone for each of our sin. God does not make mistakes.

Children need to know Jesus loves every single child. Children need to know God loves each child exactly how God created them. Each child is and was formed in his or her mother’s womb, created in the image of God. There is nothing hidden from God, not a single moment or second. The pressures of culture and the world in the 21st century are mind-boggling for adults…imagine what it is like for these children? Children today are growing up more disconnected from actual human relationships as the world around each of us moves to online. Community is artificially online, it is not the same as physical interpersonal community. Children need in person, face-to-face, physical presence and tangible human community in the real world, not online. Children need to know they were created in the image of God.

            Children today need to know that they are wanted and loved; that each child is precious. No child should alter his or hers physical bodies in order to gain attention or social acceptance. That is a cruel and life damaging lie that is destructive at its core to everything about any child’s God-given identity. Christians need to speak up on this. Christians need to tell each child that each child is uniquely and divinely in fact made in the image of God, the Creator of all things. That Jesus Christ came and died for the sins of the world and conquered the grave to save each of us from our own sin. No child was born by mistake, not one. Sin is what separates us from God and who God created us to be. It is only by turning to Jesus Christ that we can guide children to who each one was created to be.

            The world needs truth. The world needs Jesus Christ, especially these hurting younger generations. We must tell the children of every generation that Jesus Christ is the Son of the One True Living God, who was born in a manger 2,000 years ago in a little town of Bethlehem. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, who came and died and rose from that grave because he loves every single child. Christians must tell children Jesus Christ came and died for their sins and rose again, to bridge the gap of sin between each of us and God. We must tell children and every generation, not one person is a mistake and that each human is in fact, created in the image of God.


  1. Kristy

    Yes! Gospel truth. Amen!

Meet Founder, Heidi

Hey! I’m Heidi, founder of Knight’s Publishing House, on a mission to preserve decency in children’s literature and yet still inspire imagination in children.

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